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Company  Information Company Information
Last Updated: 27 Sep 2024 19:29 ET
 SymbolPrice$ Chng%ChngVolume
Good Natured Products Inc.GDNP.H0.00500+0.00000+0.00435,917
Jaeger Resources Corp.JAEG.H0.01000-0.00500-33.33211,000
Santa Rosa Resources Corp.STR.H0.06000+0.00000+0.00150,080
Three Valley Copper Corp.TVC.H0.01500+0.00500+50.0081,400
ONEnergy Inc.OEG.H0.00500+0.00000+0.0071,450
Cosigo Resources Ltd.CSG.H0.06500+0.00000+0.0061,000
Backstageplay Inc.BP.H0.05000+0.01500+42.8650,250
Highcliff Metals Corp.HCM.H0.03000+0.00500+20.0039,001
Oceanic Wind Energy Inc.NKW.H0.05500-0.00500-8.3322,267
Oracle Energy Corp.OEC.H0.05000+0.01000+25.0015,000
Prism Resources Inc.PRS.H0.05500+0.00000+0.0015,000
Zinc One Resources Inc.Z.H0.19500+0.04500+30.0011,500
Vanadian Energy Corp.VEC.H0.00500+0.00000+0.008,421
Encanto Potash Corp.EPO.H0.05000+0.00000+0.005,364
Terreno Resources Corp.TNO.H0.01500+0.00500+50.004,000
MX Gold Corp.MXL.H0.04000+0.00000+0.003,000
Horizon Petroleum Ltd.HPL.H0.12500-0.03500-21.881,733
Automotive Finco Corp.AFCC.H0.74000+0.03000+4.231,500
China Goldcorp Ltd.CAU.H0.14000+0.04000+40.001,000
Zincore Metals Inc.ZNC.H0.04000+0.00000+0.001,000
Midasco Capital Corp.MGC.H0.06000+0.00000+0.00950
O2Gold Inc.OTGO.H0.04000+0.00000+0.00500
Sunshine Agri-Tech Inc.SAI.H0.00500+0.00000+0.00250
Kure Technologies, Inc.KUR.H0.02000+0.00000+0.00249
Northern Uranium Corp.UNO.H0.12000+0.00000+0.00240
Clydesdale Resources Inc.CEO.H0.05000+0.00000+0.00178
Kaymus Resources Inc.KYS.H0.05000+0.00000+0.00100
Zena Mining Corp.ZCC.H0.10000+0.00000+0.00100
Vanity Capital Inc.VYC.H0.05000+0.00000+0.00100
Stocks that trade in $US have not been converted to $CDN in the above tables. Notes and debentures are also not included in the tables.

PricesCompany Information
Company Name: Must Capital Inc.
Industry:All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
MUST.H -Must Capital Inc.
Date of
08 Aug 2013
Fiscal Year-end: DEC 31
Trading Status: TRADING
Address:333 Bay Street - Suite 1700
M5H 2R2
Phone: 1(416) 934-5034
Fax:1(905) 747-0219
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