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This portfolio tracking tool on TMXmoney.com lets you create up to 5 separate portfolios of up to 30 Canadian and U.S. stocks and mutual funds each. Watch the markets' influence on your portfolio value through the business day and over time. My Portfolio also provides detailed fundamentals, performance and asset allocation views. Get the latest news headlines for your portfolio holdings, and create a custom view enabling you to focus on the most important metrics for you.
A successful strategy involves understanding your own company, your peer companies, and your shareholders. At TMX Group, we aim to provide our listed companies with the tools they need to succeed. That is why TMX is giving your company free* access to TSX InfoSuite, our latest market data and shareholder solution.
Historical Data Access (HDA) is a web-based tool that provides Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) issuers, at no cost, historical stock price and index information. Its capabilities include downloading up to 5 years of historical stock and index information.
TSX SecureFile® is a secure web-based filing system that enables you to meet TSX monthly reporting and document submission requirements. TSX SecureFile is for the exclusive use of TSX issuers and is provided as an added benefit of listing.
Toronto Stock Exchange's market data web site — www.TSXdatalinx.com — gives you quick access to important historical information — information that can be bought online and subscription products.
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